Saturday, September 26, 2009

List of 100 Things

This is an excellent exercise that can be adapted to any topic at any time. The entirety of the exercise is to find a topic, or ask a question, and then write out 100 responses to that question.

For example, what are 100 things that frighten you? What are 100 things that anger you? What are 100 things that happened when you were a child? What are 100 things that you enjoy? You can pick the topic and make it relative to whatever is being experienced at the time.

The purpose of such a long list is to take sufficient time to get past the surface obvious answers to your question and to get into the deeper more subconscious answers to your question. Plus, the self expression and self revelation required to do this exercise make it an interesting task.

It is best to complete the list in one sitting, if at all possible. Write your answers as quickly as possible, and don’t worry if an answer gets repeated more than once. The repetition of an answer can imply that that particular issue is truly bigger than many of the other issues listed.

1 comment:

VICKI IN AZ said...

Thank you for this. I will do this.