Thursday, September 24, 2009

Therapeutic Thursday: Stress Relief

I forgot to post about this, but while I was looking at the pictures on my computer I remembered. It was a few weeks ago, actually the night before a meeting with James where we were to talk about my ever controlling dad. I was expecting a book in the mail about being a child of an alcoholic. I checked the mail and thought it was the book, nope it was a package from dad! It was horrible timing. He even included a picture of himself, like I really wanted to look at his face right now?

The next day with James I told him about the unfortunate timing of this package and the photo. James asked if I was going to put the picture up? No. Did I feel obligated to put it up? Not really. What was I going to do with it? Get rid of it!

So after my appointment MacKenzie and I went out and relieved some stress on the photo and had a little fun.

1 comment:

VICKI IN AZ said...


Good For You.

This is excellent to share. The pictures are the best.