Thursday, April 22, 2004

Trading Post:

A Traded: Perfectionism for a pair of glasses and warts

Picture your hands covered in warts to represent your imperfections. You put on the glasses and see the Savior taking your hands and watch the warts disappear. You see yourself as the Savior sees you.

B Traded: Self-Pity for gold gates, a clean view and a general

When you want to share your pain, close your eyes and picture a clear, beautiful window.Then you see beautiful gold gates and a strong man. You are standing next to the general (your son). He is strong and healthy. He hugs you and thanks you for all you've done for him. (See the "why" of what you are doing now- see the end).

C Traded: Unearned guilt for magic Alka-seltzer and a mirror

When you feel the pain of someone else's guilt you will drop two tablets into water and drink it quickly and each bubble will be peace. The peace will tickle and fill your insides. Your skin will begin to be dry and scaly. Take out the mirror to see your skin. See that you have serpent skin but the skin is peeling off. Reach up and peel it all away to reveal a beautiful new shiny "C"- clean and pure and untainted. She is smiling.

D Traded: Procrastination for a broom and a ball

When you are given a task that needs to be done in the future, a Nimbus 2000 will come to you and take you in the air to race after your task. Everyone will be watching to see if you reach the goal- and you will because the Nimbus 2000 is the fastest broom in the world. As you get near the goal you will grab the snitch and hold it in your hands. The ball represents the golden snitch (your task) with wings on it.

E Traded: Self-justification for a robe and a gavel

The robe gives you authority to make decisions about what is best for you. When you decided, you will take the gavel out of your pocket and slam it down (bam!). The decision is final. There is no justification.

F Traded: Feeling of inadequacy for a beach

Visualize walking along a very sandy beach with the whitest softest sand. You are carrying a backpack of a burden of inadequacy. There is a beautiful sunset with waves crashing on the beach. You look back and see the Savior, you come to him and he picks you up and carries you. As he scoops you up you feel peace. You note that the Savior is now carrying you burdens for you. It is okay to ask for help- we are all inadequate! Accept yourself just the way you are because He will make up the difference.

G Traded: Isolation for a jail cell, a key and a podium

These past years you have been in a jail cell built of abuse, confinement, negativity, etc. While in jail there was a fog of thoughts that kept you from moving forward. You are given a key that opens the cell from the inside. It lets you pass though the door and the eggshells you have been walking on. When you step out, a podium arises and you stand on it in front of friends and family and you are not ashamed or embarrassed anymore. you feel free to speak and share only what you choose to.

H Traded: Fear of being judged/ rejected for a magic wand, a drain and a dress

The magic wand is invisible and you carry it at all times. Whenever anyone makes you feel inadequate in any way you are going to look down and see all your past mistakes clinging to your clothes and body. It looks dirty. You will lift the want and put it over your head and wave it and "bling" all of the dirt will begin to fall away, magically. You will feel it. You will be standing there in a clean, white beautiful dress. All the dirt washes down a drain- gone forever. The Savior then says: "Fear not for I have overcome the world and I have overcome your sins. Though your sins be as scarlet I will wash them white as snow".

I Traded: Being closed up for a banner and string

Picture a purple and gold Miss American banner which says "I Don't Know" draped across you. You look down and read the words and you rip it off and stomp it on the ground. "I don't know" is gone forever. Then you notice a string with a ring on it, and when you pull it your true feelings come out. "I miss you, Mom", "I love you, husband", "I am angry at you, Dad". You pull the string over and over with no fear and you say what you are thinking and feeling.

J Traded: The need to know for a time machine and a boat

The time machine represents you will. When you decide to step into the machine it transports you back to the Sea of Galilee. You are with the 12 Apostles. It is a terribly stormy night. You look out over the water to see the Savior. You step to the edge of the boat. The Savior sees you and beckons to you. You notice how tumultuous the sea is. This represents your life- all the darkness, ugliness and fear. The Savior does not calm the water but He does stand above it. As long as you look at Him and never take your eyes off Him you will also rise above the rough water. But if you take your eyes off Him and focus on the darkness you will sink. You must keep your eyes firmly placed on Him. You must let go of your will in order to step into the time machine. It is your decision to let the Savior help you rise above the water. All good and true feelings come from Him. All negative and dark feelings bring you down.

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