Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Holy Place

"Make your apartment, your dorm, your home, or your room a holy place where you can safely retreat from the dark distractions of the world."

Becoming True Millennials, President Russell M. Nelson

I don't normally don't write a post explaining the picture, but this one I want to for so many reasons!
This quote flashes me back to 13 to 14 years ago. Back when I was first turning to Sister Parker. I made my room my safe haven. In my room, and only in my bedroom, I could actually feel the spirit. I could feel hope and safety. Sure, there were times that the abuse came into my room, but it was still my safe place in our house. I'm not sure why, but there was no religious pictures or statues or anything in the main part of the house. There was 1 picture in the back hallway and you only saw it if you were walking to the master bedroom. For me, pictures of temples and the Savior brought me so much peace!

I remember when I was 14-ish we were redecorating my sister and I's bedroom (we were sharing at the time). We (my mom, sister and I) went to all these store looking at artwork for our room. I was afraid to say it out of fear I would be made fun of, but I wanted a picture of Christ. Instead of telling my mom I just said no to all her ideas and suggestions. Finally I broke down and told her what I wanted. We went to Deseret Book and got me the picture I wanted. I still have it today.

Anyways, I can attest that you truly can make a room a safe haven, a safe place to feel the spirit no matter what other circumstances are going on around you!

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