Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Stumbling Blocks- Things That Keep You From Progressing

Below is a list of "Stumbling Blocks", identify those that may apply to you.

Self Contentedness- Putting myself first; everything and everybody must suit me; I'm the most important person in the world; playing God; "I" am the center of all. It blocks relationships, promotes ego, creates selfishness and self-seeking; causes me to pray for selfish ends; to be obsessed about my needs, and getting my own way.

Resentment- to hold ill feelings against anyone; remembering how others have hurt me and desiring retribution and/ or retaliation; judging others; wanting revenge; blaming others; well-nursed grudges.

Anger or Hatred- desiring harm for others; not wanting a good life for others; bitterness; refusing help from others; uncontrollable temper; justifying my "justified" anger

Prejudice- pre-judging; others are inferior; being superior to others who are different; despising others of a different race, class, education, addiction, etc.; condemn other for their wrongs, maintaining a closed mind.

Conceit- insist on things being done my way; critical of authority; always an "expert", impatient with those who do not meet my "high standards"; expectations exceeding my actual abilities; thinking too highly of my will; giving God orders; putting intellect or vanity first; thinking my judgement is better than others.

Greed- covet or desire what belongs to others, not content with what I have; collecting more material things for happiness; basing success on material things; possessions becoming my God, unwilling to share with others; lack and limitation; blind ambition; stealing; envy; jealous of people and things.

Lust- adultery; secret lust for someone else; mental whoring; using sex for happiness; using other people for gratification; envious of "lovers"; think "love" is the same thing as sex; rape; sexual fantasizing.

Indifference- not caring about other people, not caring about God, choosing to ignore God's will; being indifferent to desires and feelings of everyone; no desire to understand; not caring the message; not practicing His Presence in my life; being negative, inconsiderate; taking things for granted; mediocre.

Phoniness- false pride; lying; arrogant dishonesty; a false front; concerned about the impression I make on other people; pretending to be a great philosopher and moralist; trying to give away something I do not have, using alibis to avoid responsibility; putting others down so I feel good; being controlled by the acquired false self.

Fear- dread; gloomy pessimism, lack of trust in God; separation from God; not living in the here and now, negative thoughts and attitudes; guilt of the past, not surrendering my life and will over to the care of God; relying on the thinker to solve problems it can not handle; self-centered fear- primarily fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded; fear of people; rejection.

Self-Pity- feeling sorry for myself; wallowing in my sorrows; magnify my trouble; thinking that I am different; blaming my problems on others; withdrawing from the world; feeling that no one understands or loves me; feeling I am a victim of circumstances.

Self-Sufficiency-lack of faith; attempting to manage my life; relying on my will only; having undue confidence; smug or overbearing; putting material things before spiritual things; "I'd rather do it myself".

Defiance-anger at God because he has failed to meet my demands; resisting people of God; non-conforming Intellectual-knowledge is all-powerful; intellect can replace God or play God; controlling my life or others; deluding myself into thinking mind being master; being self-reliant to the extreme (ego and conceit)

Self-Righteous- feeling superior to other people ; phony form of respectability; putting my values and ideas first; my way is right

Self-Will-blocking the entry of God; in collision with something or somebody, even with good motives; in to myself regardless of the consequences.

Dependence (false)- emotional dependence upon other people; depending on a stronger person for protection and guidance; leaning on others; insisting on being over-dependent on others- I can't do this myself; depending on people rather than on God.

Financial Insecurity- hording money; fear of losing a job; extravagant in my finances; manipulating; gambling; placing money over God; lack of limitations; "they don't give me what I deserve".

Domination- demanding attention, protection and love from others; attempting to control others; telling other just how their lives should be lived; unreasonable demands on others; playing God and dominating those around me; forcing others to do my will.

False Pride- blind to my liabilities, demands upon me or others that misuse my God-given instincts; hiding defects while blaming others for them; not making amends; associated with fear; exaggerated self-importance; feeling superior; braggart, grandiosity; trouble admitting any human weakness at all.

Self- Justification- continually making excuses for my behavior

Emotional Insecurity- personal relationships with bring continuous or recurring trouble; sex situations that caused anxiety, bitterness, frustration or depression; inability to accept conditions which I cannot change; unworkable relations with other people; over-dependence on people is unsuccessful because all people are fallible; I couldn't control my emotional nature; instincts and intuition gone wild.

Lack of Tolerance- failing to practice unconditional love; intolerant of others; not allowing others to have different ways of thinking or living.

Dishonesty- not being honest with God, myself, or other people; lying, cheating, depriving other of not only their worldly goods, but their emotional security and peace of mind; justifying my behavior; alibis; omission/ commission.

Self-Destruction-all-consuming obsessions; attempted suicide, self harm

Sloth- procrastination; laziness; continually pitting off things that need to be done now.Gluttony- excess eating or drinking; taking our comfort to extremes; compulsion to overindulge.Rationalization- imagining that I had good motives and reasons when I really did not.

Perfectionism- unrealistic standards for me and others, then becomes frustrated if they are not met; believing my standards are equal to God's. Refusing to let go of the past – When people allow failures or mistakes to define their life, they often refuse to try again. Many people continue the blame game, never getting past the injury caused by others. Instead of moving forward in spite of a painful past, many allow their past to remain their destiny.Failing to take action – Let’s face it. Some people are lazy and refuse to assume their individual responsibility that is required to move forward. Many people aren't lazy, but they stall because, for whatever reason, they fail to take a step towards their dream, either assuming a perfect timing will come or the stars will align in a certain order granting instant success. Unless action is taken, however, dreams almost always remain simply a dream, and never become reality.

Impatience- I want what I want, and I want it now; not living in the now; my timetable- not God's timetable.

1 comment:

Makemyburdenlight said...

LOVE love love these!!!!!!!