LDS Talks on Trials/ Adversity

Trials/ Adversity:
Anna Albano, "God is with Me", Liahona, March 1999
Boyd K. Packer, "Balm of Gilead", Ensign, Nov. 1987
Boyd K. Packer, "Who is Jesus Christ?", Ensign, Mar 2008
Bruce C. Hafen, "Beauty from Ashes: The Atonement of Jesus Christ", Ensign, Apr. 1990
Bruce C. Hafen, "The Atonement: All for All:" Ensign, May 2004
Bruce K. Fordham, "Think About What You are Thinking About", Ensign, Apr. 2009
Dallin H. Oaks, "Worship through Music", Ensign, Nov. 1994

Dallin H. Oaks, "Opposition in All Things"
David A. Bednar, "The Tender Mercies", Ensign, May 2005
David A. Bednar, "The Spirit of Revelation", Ensign May 2011
David A. Bednar, "Fear Not, I Am With Thee", Dec. 15, 2012
Dean L. Larsen, "The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom", New Era, Feb. 1986
Derek A. Cuthbert, "The Spirituality of Service", Ensign, May 1990
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Infinite Power of Hope", Ensign, Nov. 2008
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "You Are My Hands", Ensign, May 2010
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Of Things That Matter Most". Ensign, Nov. 2010
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "You Matter to Him", Ensign, Nov. 2011
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Forget Me Not", Ensign, Nov. 2011
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Hope of God's Light", Ensign, May 2013
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "You Can Do It Now!" Ensign, Nov. 2013
Ezra Taft Benson, "Do Not Despair", Ensign, Nov. 1974
"Feeling the Love of the Lord through Service", Dec. 2004
"Finding Joy in Following the Lord", Ensign, Sept. 1995
Glenn L. Pace, "Confidence and Self-Worth", Ensign, Jan. 2005
Gordon B. Hinckley, "God Hath Not Given Us the Spirit of Fear", Ensign, Oct. 1984
Gordon B. Hinckley, "Fear Not; Only Believe", Ensign, Jan 2000
H. David Burton, "Tender Hearts and Helping Hands", Ensign, May 2006
Heidi Swinton, "Peace Like a River", BYU Women's Conference Address, April 10, 2004
Henry B. Eyring, "Walk in the Light", Ensign, May 2008
Henry B. Eyring, "Things Will Work Out", Ensign, Mar 2008
Henry B. Eyring, "Adversity", Ensign, May 2009
Henry B. Eyring, "Faithful Friends", Ensign, July 2010

Henry B. Eyring, "Serve with the Spirit", Ensign, Nov. 2010
James B. Martino, All Things Work Together for Good
James E. Faust, "Be Not Afraid", Liahona Oct. 2002
James E. Faust, "He Healeth the Broken Heart", Ensign, July 2005
James E. Faust, "Voice of the Spirit", Ensign, June 2006
James E. Faust, "Put Light in Your Life", New Era, June 2007
James E. Faust, "The Power of Change", Ensign, Nov. 2007
Jay E. Jensen, "Keep an Eternal Perspective", Ensign, May 2000
Jeffrey R. Holland, "For Times of Trouble", New Era, Oct. 1980
Jeffrey R. Holland "Come Unto Me", Ensign, Nov. 1998, 16
Jeffrey R. Holland, "Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence", Ensign, Mar 2000
Jeffrey R. Holland, "Broken Things to Mend", Ensign, May 2006
Jeffrey R. Holland, "The Tongue of Angels", Ensign, May 2007
Jeffrey R. Holland, "The Ministry of Angels", Ensign, Nov. 2008
Jeffrey R. Holland, Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You
Jennifer Nuckols, "Truth and Lies", Ensign, Oct. 2009
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Peace Within", Ensign May 1991
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Finding a Safe Harbor", Ensign, May 2000
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "The Law of the Fast", Ensign, May, 2001
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Two Guiding Lights", Ensign, Aug. 2007
Joseph B. Wirthlin, "Concern for the One", Ensign May 2008
"The Journey to Healing", Ensign, Sept. 1997
Kelli Allen-Pratt, "Confessions of a Perfectionist", Ensign, June 2005
Kenneth L. Higbee, "Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind", Ensign, Sept. 1972
Kent F. Richards, "The Atonement Covers All Pain", Ensign, May 2011
"Light in Darkness", Ensign, June 1998;
Linda K Burton, "Is Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ Written on Our Hearts?", Ensign, Nov. 2012
Lynn Clark Callister, "Managing Postpartum Depression: A Gospel Perspective", Ensign Aug. 2009
M. Russell Ballard, "The Joy of Hope Fulfilled", Ensign, Nov. 1992
M. Russell Ballard, "The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom", Liahona, July 2002

M. Russell Ballard, "Stay in the Boat and Hold On!"
Marion G. Romney, "The Price of Peace", Ensign, Oct. 1983
Marva Jeanne Pedersen, "Seized by Panic", Ensign, Jan. 1990
Marvin J. Ashton, "He Took Him by the Hand", Ensign, Jan. 1974
Marvin J. Ashton, "Peace- A Triumph of Principles", Ensign, Nov. 1985
Marvin J. Ashton, "On Being Worthy", Ensign May 1989
Marvin K. Jensen, "Living after the Manner of Happiness", Ensign, Dec. 2002 
Merrill J. Bateman, "The Power to Heal from Within", Ensign, May 1995
Neal A. Maxwell, "Notwithstanding My Weakness", Ensign, Nov. 1976
Neal A. Maxwell, "Hope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ", Oct. 1998
Neal A. Maxwell, "Encircled in the Arms of His Love", Ensign, Nov. 2002
Neal A. Maxwell, Enduring Well
Quentin L. Cook, “Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time”
Richard C. Edgley, "For They Good", Ensign, Apr. 2002
Richard G. Scott, "To be Healed", Ensign, May 1994
Richard G. Scott, "Trust in the Lord", Ensign, Nov. 1995, 16
Richard G. Scott, "To Be Free of Heavy Burdens", Ensign, Nov. 2002
Richard G. Scott, "Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer", Ensign, May 2007
Richard G. Scott, "To Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse", Ensign, May 2008
Royden G. Derrick, "When Men's Hearts Fail", New Era, July 1987
Robert D. Hales, “Behold, We Count Them Happy Which Endure”
Russell M. Nelson, "Perfection Pending", Ensign, Nov. 1995
Russell M. Nelson, "The Atonement", Ensign, Nov. 1996
Russell M. Nelson, "Jesus Christ: Our Master and More", Ensign, Apr 1997
Sean E. Brotherson, "When Your Child is Depressed", Ensign, Aug. 2004
Shanna Ghaznavi, "Rising Above the Blues", New Era, Apr. 2002
Steve Gilliland, "Awake My Soul!: Dealing Firmly with Depression", Ensign, Aug. 1978
Steven D Nadauld, "Learning to Be Like the Lord", Ensign, Dec. 1995
Teri Halling, "When Everything Goes Wrong"
Thomas S. Monson, "Christ at Bethesda's Pool", Ensign, Nov. 1996
Thomas S. Monson, "Finding Peace", Ensign, Mar. 2004
Thomas S. Monson, "Three Goals to Guide You", Ensign, Nov. 2007
Thomas S. Monson, "What Have I Done for Someone Today?", Ensign Nov. 2009
Thomas S. Monson, "The Divine Gift of Gratitude", Ensign, Nov. 2010
Val D. MacMurray, "When Life is getting you Down", Ensign, Jun. 1984

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