Thursday, August 27, 2009

Drama Triangle

This isn't exactly like James explained it to me, but it really made sense.

Drama Triangle-

(Forever willing to help out, the one who does it all, doing for others what they could do for themselves, worry what people think, know what others need without being asked, "people please", so forth and so on....)

(Feel helpless, frustrated, and "resentful" because they won't: change, accept your help, appreciate your help, understand that you're just trying to help, etc. You become HURT and ANGRY.)

(Why does this keep happening to me? I was only trying to help. Who do they think they are? Doesn't anyone appreciate me? Why do I keep doing this? ....)

Notice the triangle is inverted, and the arrows go both directions. The outcome is always negative, and the position a person assumes will change many times as the game is played out.

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